Join the IPs and LCs VCM Engagement Forum Governing Board to help shape an inclusive and high integrity voluntary carbon market
Written by ICVCM
Our ability to limit warming to 1.5°C depends on ensuring Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPs and LCs) continue managing vital ecosystems. It is of primary importance that carbon-credit generation projects or programs deliver sustainable development benefits for the communities where they are hosted, ranging from financial profit and project ownership to job generation and well-being.
Why is an IPs and LCs Engagement Forum needed?
At a multi-stakeholder event led by the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM) and The Nature Conservancy during COP27, participants highlighted the need for closer coordination and targeted capacity building to support strengthened engagement of IPs and LCs in a high integrity voluntary carbon market.
Following the COP27, the ICVCM’s IPs and LCs Taskforce engaged and consulted with IPs and LCs individuals and organisational representatives to develop the foundations and structure for a dedicated, independent IPs and LCs VCM Engagement Forum.
This Forum aims to support IPs and LCs in the VCM to empower communities in the right way, growing participation and delivering significant benefits such as enhancing land rights, income opportunities, and biodiversity protection. The Forum will be jointly established by the ICVCM and the Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative (VCMI). Once established, the Forum will be self-governing, with co-hosting responsibilities for Forum partners.
The ICVCM are also calling for expressions of interest for partners of the Forum. Find out more and apply here.
What is the goal of the IPs and LCs Engagement Forum?
The Forum will serve as a shared workspace where IPs and LCs, public and private specialist agencies, and market actors, along with the broader VCM, collaborate to empower IPs and LCs. The goal is to foster their participation and amplify the benefits they derive from the VCM.
Who is in the IPs and LCs Engagement Forum and how are they selected?
To allow a diverse and structured system of decision-making and participation, the forum governance will comprise different levels of involvement:
The Forum members (“Governing Board”): nominated members involved in the decision-making level of the forum. The full list of member seats is as follows:
- 2 x Africa
- 2 x Asia
- 2 x Latin America (LATAM)
- 1 x Northern Region
- 1 x Oceania
- 1 x UN Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform (LCIPP) member
- 1 xChair (a vice-Chair will be chosen by the Governing Board from its members)
Once the Forum develops its strategy it will consider the most appropriate way to include technical expertise within its decision making. In the interim, Co-hosts and wider partners will provide technical support as required.
Participants: non-voting stakeholders to join in discussion groups and open meetings defined by the Governing Board. Example of type of participants, but not limited to:
- VCM Technical Experts
- Private sector representatives
- Other IPs and LCs individuals or organisation representatives
- Participants of UNFCCC workshops
Governing Board: Who are we looking for?
We are now looking for nominations for the Forum’s Governing Board.
In all the Forum governance, diversity is encouraged at geographical, gender, age and other background levels. We strongly encourage applications from women and individuals from diverse backgrounds. We are committed to fostering a forum that reflects the richness of perspectives and experiences from IPs and LCs.
All board members should be acting in an individual capacity.
The Forum members will be expected to meet regularly. To operationalize the Forum, logistics and administration processes are being defined, including:
- The means of discussion and decision-making for the Forum will be through scheduled virtual meetings for three hours every month
- Accessibility requirements, such as translation needs, will be considered and arranged as necessary.
- The Governing Board members will not be remunerated for their role in the Forum, however in instances where finances would be a barrier to participation this may be considered. Expenses for Forum activity will be reimbursed
New board members will be set by open public nomination and selection by the Forum Governing Board and Secretariat.
Membership criteria
- Be an indigenous person or member of a local community
- Are able to represent all IPs and LCs from their region impartially
- Have knowledge in regional issues and legislative contexts
- Person with knowledge or interest in the voluntary carbon market
- Be endorsed by their community, institutions or organisations
- Have experience in decision-making committees or groups
- Have the time and commitment to attend meetings
Regional – North Region
- Be an indigenous person or member of a local community
- Are able to represent all IPs and LCs from their region impartially
- Have knowledge in regional issues and legislative contexts
- Be endorsed by their community, institutions or organisations
- Have experience in decision-making committees or groups
- Have the time and commitment to attend meetings
- Person with knowledge or interest in the voluntary carbon market
Regional – Oceania
- Person with knowledge or interest in the voluntary carbon market
- Be an indigenous person or member of a local community
- Are able to represent all IPs and LCs from their region impartially
- Have knowledge in regional issues and legislative contexts
- Be endorsed by their community, institutions or organisations
- Have experience in decision-making committees or groups
- Have the time and commitment to attend meetings
- Proven record of previous or active roles as chair of technical working groups
- Have knowledge of carbon markets
- I have knowledge or experience directly with IPs and LCs
- Expertise in managing disagreements between groups
- Experience navigating dynamics within complex political systems
- Neutral global positioning
All members
- Experience promoting the inclusion, participation and engagement of women, youth, people with disabilities and other marginalized groups
- Access to internet and the technology needed to actively participate in online calls and conferences
How to apply
As this aims to be a Forum for IPs and LCs led by IPs and LCs, seats will be assigned through an open nomination process. Individuals will be able to nominate themselves for one or multiple Forum member seats and nominees are encouraged to provide endorsement or recommendation letters.
The nominations process will close on 31st January 2024. The ICVCM IPs and LCs Task force team – who were responsible for developing the foundations and structure for the Forum – will review the applications and create a shortlist to proceed to the final stage.
All nominees will be informed of the initial outcome of their application by no later than the 1st March 2024, with final decisions by no later than the 31st March 2024. Once the final decisions have been taken, all nominees will be informed of the outcome of the process and the final selection of members made public no later than early April 2024.
Further reading
Read more about the IPs and LCs VCM Engagement Forum here.
The Integrity Council recognises Indigenous Peoples and / or local communities as different and distinct peoples with discreet rights and interests as expressed in international and national instruments, and in traditional laws.