Assessment Status

Program and category of carbon credit assessments

Program Assessments   |   Carbon Credit Category Assessments

PLEASE READ: Important explanation of information on this webpage

Readers of the information on these webpages (including relating to program and Category assessment accessed through the links below) should note that the status tables below provide information on an ongoing process that is evolving over 2024. It is the Integrity Council’s intention to process each assessment as efficiently as possible and release each Governing Board decision as soon as possible after it has been taken.

The assessment process should be understood as an ongoing process over time, with no specific decision having specific implications for any other program or Category. Some assessment processes and decisions may take longer to complete than average times; no inferences should be drawn from this. The overall approach to the assessment process means that no inference should be drawn from the sequencing contained in the tables below or the processing of decisions. The pages below will be updated as needed on normal working days to provide information on the current status of assessment but are for information only.

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Carbon Credit Program Assessment Status

The Integrity Council is currently* assessing for adherence to the Core Carbon Principles Assessment Framework:

  1. Carbon-crediting programs to determine whether a carbon-crediting program can be approved as CCP-Eligible.
  2. Categories of carbon credits, to determine whether a Category of carbon credits may be labelled as CCP-Approved by a CCP-Eligible program.

Once assessments are complete, Programs deemed to be CCP-Eligible will be able to issue CCP-Approved carbon credits from CCP-Approved Categories of carbon credits.

The outcomes of these assessments are submitted to the Governing Board for formal decision.

*The Integrity Council’s program assessment portal has now closed for submissions and will reopen on 1 April 2025. During this period, users can continue to access and develop their applications; however, submissions will only be accepted once the portal reopens. We encourage applicants to prepare in advance for the next submission window.

The steps in the carbon-crediting program application and assessment process are as follows:

  1. Integrity Council confirms program application has been received via the Assessment Platform.
  2. Integrity Council checks that the program’s application is complete (once complete the application is published on this page).
  3. Integrity Council starts assessment.
  4. A draft evaluation report based on the assessment will be prepared by the Secretariat. The reports will be prepared in the order that assessments are completed.
  5. The reports are submitted to the Standard Oversight Committee which makes a recommendation to the Governing board of the Integrity Council.
  6. The Governing Board of the Integrity Council will meet to consider the recommendation of the Standard Oversight Committee and render a decision.
  7. Governing Board makes decision.

We’ve designed our rules so that programs that are already approved by the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) as CORSIA Eligible Emissions Unit Programmes (CORSIA-Eligible) need only to provide evidence to ICVCM that they meet the CCP’s additional high-integrity criteria around effective governance, credit tracking, transparency and robust, independent third-party validation and verification.

If a program isn’t already approved as CORSIA-Eligible, it can still apply for assessment, but it will need to provide evidence to ICVCM that it meets the CORSIA requirements as well as the additional ICVCM CCP criteria.

ICVCM is aware that CORSIA assessments in relation to eligibility for the 2024-2026 Compliance Period (first Phase) are ongoing. Interim or conditional approval decisions taken by relevant CORSIA and International Civil Aviation Organization Council in relation to the carbon crediting programs will be taken into account to the extent relevant for our Assessment Framework.

Carbon Credit Category Assessment

The ICVCM Category Assessment process began in October 2023 with the convening of the Categories Working Group (CWG). The CWG has now has concluded its work (see table below), classifying Categories of carbon credits into one of three types of assessment:

  • Internal assessment, undertaken by the Integrity Council Executive Secretariat staff and its Experts.
  • Multistakeholder assessment, an assessment undertaken by one of six multistakeholder working groups (MSWGs) which include carbon crediting methodology experts from within and outside the Integrity Council and from the Integrity Council’s Standard Oversight Committee (a sub-committee of the Governing Board).
  • Considered by the Categories Working Group to be very unlikely to meet the criteria and requirements of the Assessment Framework. Category is deprioritised in the scheduling of assessment and will be assessed for adherence to the criteria and requirements of the Assessment Framework when other Category assessments are completed. 

The steps in the Category assessment process are summarised as follows:

  1. Internal or MSWG assessment has been scheduled or is in progress. 
  2. Internal or MSWG assessment is complete. 
  3. A draft evaluation report based on the assessment will be prepared by the Secretariat for each Category. The reports will be prepared in the order that assessments are completed. 
  4. The reports are submitted to the Standard Oversight Committee which makes a recommendation to the Governing board of the Integrity Council. 
  5. The Governing Board of the Integrity Council will meet to consider the recommendation of the Standard Oversight Committee and render a decision. 
  6. Governing Board makes decision.

CategoryMethodologies within this categoryAssessment TypeAssessment StatusMethodology Version(s)DecisionDecision RationaleInformal Board Observations
Afforestation, Reforestation and Revegetation (Including Natural Forest Establishment and Agroforestry)ACR Afforestation and Reforestation of Degraded Lands – v1.2Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 2MSWG concluded
Afforestation, Reforestation and Revegetation (Including Natural Forest Establishment and Agroforestry)Gold Standard Afforestation/Reforestation (A/R) GHG Emissions Reduction & Sequestration MethodologyMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 2MSWG concluded
Afforestation, Reforestation and Revegetation (Including Natural Forest Establishment and Agroforestry)VM0047 Afforestation, Reforestation, and Revegetation – v1.0Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 2Decision takenVCS - VM0047 - v1CCP-ApprovedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Biodigesters (household)AMS-I.I. – Biogas/biomass thermal applications for households/small usersMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 5MSWG concluded
Biodigesters (household)GS methodology for animal manure management and biogas use for thermal energy generationMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 5MSWG concluded
Biodigesters (household)AMS-I.E. – Switch from non-renewable biomass for thermal applications by the userMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 5MSWG concluded
Brick ManufacturingAMS-III.Z. – Fuel Switch, process improvement and energy efficiency in brick manufactureInternal assessmentInternal assessment in progress
Buffer Practices (Field Borders, Riparian Buffers, Grass Waterways)VM0042 Methodology for Improved Agricultural Land Management v2.0Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 2MSWG concluded
China Adipic AcidCAR China Adipic Acid Production Protocol v1Internal assessmentInternal assessment in progress
Direct Air CapturePending (no relevant methodologies)Internal assessmentInternal assessment in progress
Efficient CookstovesGS methodology for metered and measured energy cooking devicesMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 5MSWG concluded
Efficient CookstovesGS The Gold Standard Simplified Methodology For Clean And Efficient CookstovesMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 5MSWG concluded
Efficient CookstovesAMS-II.G. – Energy efficiency measures in thermal applications of non-renewable biomassMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 5MSWG concluded
Efficient CookstovesGS TPDDTEC – reduced emissions from cooking and heating – technologies and practices to displace decentralized thermal energy consumptionMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 5MSWG concluded
Efficient CookstovesVMR0006 Energy Efficiency and Fuel Switch Measures in Thermal Applications [v 1.2 only]Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 5MSWG concluded
Efficient CookstovesVM0050 - Energy Efficiency and Fuel-Switch Measures in CookstovesInternal assessmentInternal assessment in progress
Grid-Connected Renewable EnergyACM0002 – Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources – Version 21.0Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 3Decision takenGold Standard - ACM0002 - v1 - 21RejectedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Grid-Connected Renewable EnergyACM0002 – Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources – Version 21.0Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 3Decision takenVCS - ACM0002 - v1 - 21RejectedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Grid-Connected Renewable EnergyACM0006 – Electricity and heat generation from biomass – Versions 1.0 - 16.0Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 3Decision takenGold Standard - ACM0006 - v1 - 16RejectedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Grid-Connected Renewable EnergyACM0006 – Electricity and heat generation from biomass – Versions 1.0 - 16.0Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 3Decision takenVCS - ACM0006 - v1 - 16RejectedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Grid-Connected Renewable EnergyACM0018 – Electricity generation from biomass in power-only plants – Versions 1.0 - 6.0Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 3Decision takenGold Standard - ACM0018 - v1 - 6RejectedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Grid-Connected Renewable EnergyACM0018 – Electricity generation from biomass in power-only plants – Versions 1.0 - 6.0Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 3Decision takenVCS - ACM0018 - v1 - 6RejectedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Grid-Connected Renewable EnergyAM0036 – Use of biomass in heat generation equipment – Versions 1.0 - 7.0Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 3Decision takenGold Standard - AM0036 - v1 - 7RejectedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Grid-Connected Renewable EnergyAM0036 – Use of biomass in heat generation equipment – Versions 1.0 - 7.0Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 3Decision takenVCS - AM0036 - v1 - 7RejectedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Grid-Connected Renewable EnergyAM0072 – Fossil Fuel Displacement by Geothermal Resources for Space Heating – Versions 1.0 - 3.0Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 3Decision takenGold Standard - AM0072 - v1 - 3RejectedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Grid-Connected Renewable EnergyAM0072 – Fossil Fuel Displacement by Geothermal Resources for Space Heating – Versions 1.0 - 3.0Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 3Decision takenVCS - AM0072 - v1 - 3RejectedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Grid-Connected Renewable EnergyAMS-I.D. – Grid connected renewable electricity generation – Versions 1.0 - 18.0Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 3Decision takenGold Standard - AMS-I.D. v1 - 18RejectedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Grid-Connected Renewable EnergyAMS-I.D. – Grid connected renewable electricity generation – Versions 1.0 - 18.0Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 3Decision takenVCS - AMS-I.D. v1 - 18RejectedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Grid-Connected Renewable EnergyAMS-I.C. – Thermal energy production with or without electricity – Version 22.0Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 3MSWG concluded
Grid-Connected Renewable EnergyAM0123 – Renewable energy generation for captive use – Version 1.0Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 3MSWG concluded
HFC-23 destruction: HFC-23 abatement from HCFC-22 production - Part 1ACR Certified Reclaimed HFC Refrigerants, Propellants, and Fire Suppressants v 2.0Internal assessmentInternal assessment in progress
HFC-23 destruction: HFC-23 abatement from HCFC-22 production - Part 1AM0001 – Decomposition of fluoroform (HFC-23) waste streams [V 6.0.0 only]Internal assessmentInternal assessment in progress
HFC-23 destruction: HFC-23 abatement from HCFC-22 production  – Part 2AM0001 – Decomposition of fluoroform (HFC-23) waste streams [V 1-5 only]DeprioritisedNot started
Improved Forest ManagementCAR U.S. Forest ProtocolMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 1MSWG concluded
Improved Forest ManagementVM0012 Improved Forest Management in Temperate and Boreal Forests (LtPF)Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 1MSWG concluded
Improved Forest ManagementACR Improved Forest Management (IFM) on Non-Federal U.S. ForestlandsMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 1MSWG concluded
Improved Forest ManagementCAR Mexico Forest ProtocolMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 1MSWG concluded
Improved Forest ManagementVM0035 Methodology for Improved Forest Management through Reduced Impact LoggingMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 1MSWG concluded
Improved Forest ManagementVM0045 Improved Forest Management Methodology Using Dynamic Matched Baselines from National Forest InventoriesMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 1MSWG concluded
Industrial BiodigestersAMS-III.D. – Methane recovery in animal manure management systemsInternal assessmentInternal assessment in progress
Industrial BiodigestersACM0010 – GHG emission reductions from manure management systemsInternal assessmentInternal assessment in progress
Industrial BiodigestersCAR U.S. Livestock ProtocolInternal assessmentInternal assessment in progress
Industrial BiodigestersCAR Dominican Republic LivestockInternal assessmentInternal assessment in progress
Industrial Energy Efficiency (supply side)AM0017 – Steam system efficiency improvements by replacing steam traps and returning condensateDeprioritisedNot started
Industrial Energy Efficiency (supply side)AM0018 – Baseline methodology for steam optimization systemsDeprioritisedNot started
Industrial Energy Efficiency (supply side)AM0020 – Baseline methodology for water pumping efficiency improvementsDeprioritisedNot started
Landfill Gas Capture and UtilizationACM0001 – Flaring or use of landfill gasInternal assessmentDecision takenVCS – ACM0001 Flaring or use of Landfill Gas -v15-19.CCP-ApprovedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Landfill Gas Capture and UtilizationACM0001 – Flaring or use of landfill gasInternal assessmentDecision takenGold Standard – ACM0001 Flaring or use of Landfill Gas -v15-19.CCP-ApprovedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Landfill Gas Capture and UtilizationAMS-III.G. – Landfill methane recoveryInternal assessmentDecision takenGold Standard – AMS iii G –Landfill Methane Recovery – v9.CCP-ApprovedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Landfill Gas Capture and UtilizationAMS-III.G. – Landfill methane recoveryInternal assessmentDecision takenVCS – AMS iii G –Landfill Methane Recovery – v9.CCP-ApprovedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Landfill Gas Capture and UtilizationAMS-III.G. – Landfill methane recoveryInternal assessmentDecision takenGold Standard – AMS iii G –Landfill Methane Recovery – v10.CCP-ApprovedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Landfill Gas Capture and UtilizationAMS-III.G. – Landfill methane recoveryInternal assessmentDecision takenVCS – AMS iii G –Landfill Methane Recovery – v10.CCP-ApprovedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Landfill Gas Capture and UtilizationACR Landfill Gas Destruction and Beneficial Use ProjectsInternal assessmentDecision takenACR – Landfill Gas Destruction and Beneficial Use Projects – v1-2.CCP-ApprovedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Landfill Gas Capture and UtilizationCAR U.S. Landfill Protocol v6Internal assessmentDecision takenCAR – US Landfill Protocol – v6.CCP-ApprovedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Leak Detection/Repair in Gas SystemsAM0023 – Leak detection and repair in gas production, processing, transmission, storage and distribution systems and in refinery facilities – Version 4.0.0Internal assessmentDecision takenVCS - AM0023 - v4CCP-ApprovedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Lighting EfficiencyLow market shareMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 5MSWG concluded
Low-Carbon Transport/Electric VehiclesVM0038 Methodology for Electric Vehicle Charging SystemsMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 6MSWG in progress
Low-Carbon Transport/Electric VehiclesAMS-III.BM – Lightweight two and three wheeled personal transportationMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 6MSWG in progress
Low-Carbon Transport/Electric VehiclesGS two and three wheeled personal transportationMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 6MSWG in progress
Mine Methane Capture and Utilization for EnergyACM0008 – Abatement of methane from coal mines (VMR0001, VMR0002)Internal assessmentInternal assessment in progress
Mine Methane Capture and Utilization for EnergyACR Capturing and Destroying Methane from Coal and Trona Mines in North AmericaInternal assessmentInternal assessment in progress
Mini-GridsAMS-I.L. – Electrification of rural communities using renewable energy – Versions 1.0 - 4.0Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 3Decision takenGold Standard - AMS-I.L. v1 - 4RejectedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Mini-GridsAMS-I.L. – Electrification of rural communities using renewable energy – Versions 1.0 - 4.0Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 3Decision takenVCS - AMS-I.L. v1 - 4RejectedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Mini-GridsOther methodologies: low market shareMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 3MSWG concluded
N20 Abatement in Adipic Acid Production – Part 1CAR U.S. Adipic Acid Production ProtocolInternal assessmentInternal assessment in progress
N20 Abatement in Adipic Acid Production – Part 2AM0021 – Baseline Methodology for decomposition of N2O from existing adipic acid production plants [v1 only]DeprioritisedNot started
N20 Abatement in Nitric Acid Production – Part 1AM0034 – Catalytic reduction of N2O inside the ammonia burner of nitric acid plantsDeprioritisedNot started
N20 Abatement in Nitric Acid Production – Part 1AM0028 – N2O destruction in the tail gas of Caprolactam production plantsDeprioritisedNot started
N20 Abatement in Nitric Acid Production – Part 2CAR U.S. Nitric Acid Production ProtocolInternal assessmentInternal assessment in progress
New Natural Gas PowerAM0107 – New natural gas based cogeneration plantDeprioritisedNot started
New Natural Gas PowerACM0025 – Construction of a new natural gas power plantDeprioritisedNot started
Nutrient/Nitrogen ManagementLow market share and program exclusionsMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 2MSWG concluded
Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)ACR Destruction of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) from International SourcesInternal assessmentDecision takenACR – Destruction of ODS from International Sources – v1.0CCP-ApprovedDecision
Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)CAR Article 5 Ozone Depleting Substances ProtocolInternal assessmentDecision takenCAR – Article 5 Ozone Depleting Substances Project Protocol v1-2CCP-ApprovedDecision
Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)CAR Ozone Depleting Substances Project Protocol v2.0Internal assessmentDecision takenCAR – U.S. Ozone Depleting Substances Project Protocol v1-2.CCP-ApprovedDecision
Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)ACR Destruction of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) and High-Global Warming Potential (GWP) FoamInternal assessmentInternal assessment in progress
Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)ACR Transition to Advanced Formulation Blowing Agents in Foam Manufacturing and UseInternal assessmentInternal assessment in progress
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation+ (Jurisdictional)REDD+ Environmental Excellence Standard V2.0 - TREES Crediting LevelMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 4Decision taken(ART) The REDD+ Environmental Excellence Standard (TREES) v2.0, TREES Crediting LevelCCP-ApprovedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation+ (Jurisdictional)REDD+ Environmental Excellence Standard V2.0 - HFLD Crediting ApproachMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 4MSWG concluded
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation+ (Jurisdictional)REDD+ Environmental Excellence Standard V2.0 - Removals Crediting ApproachMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 4MSWG concluded
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation+ (Jurisdictional)VCS Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ (JNR) FrameworkMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 4Decision taken(VCS) Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ (JNR) Framework v4.1CCP-ApprovedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation+ (Project)ACR Active Conservation and Sustainable Management on U.S. Forestlands v1.0Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 4MSWG concluded
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation+ (Project)VM0048 Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest DegradationMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 4Decision taken(VCS) VM0048 Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation v1.0CCP-ApprovedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Renewable Energy (Offgrid)AMS-I.A. – Electricity generation by the user – Versions 1.0 - 19.0Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 3Decision takenGold Standard - AMS-I.A. - v1-19RejectedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Renewable Energy (Offgrid)AMS-I.A. – Electricity generation by the user – Versions 1.0 - 19.0Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 3Decision takenVCS - AMS-I.A. - v1-19RejectedDecision ICVCM Board Observations
Rice Cultivation Methane AvoidanceGS methane emission reduction by adjusted water management practice in rice cultivation v1.0Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 2MSWG concluded
SF6 AvoidanceAM0065 – Replacement of SF6 with alternate cover gas in the magnesium industryInternal assessmentDecision takenVCS - AM0065 - v2.1RejectedDecision
Sustainable Agriculture (Rotational Crops, Low Till/No Tillage, Structural & Vegetative Practices etc.)GS Soil Organic Carbon Framework MethodologyMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 2MSWG concluded
Sustainable Agriculture (Rotational Crops, Low Till/No Tillage, Structural & Vegetative Practices etc.)CAR U.S. Soil Enrichment Protocol v1.1Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 2MSWG concluded
Technology-based Carbon Capture and StoragePending (no relevant methodologies)Multi-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 6MSWG in progress
Waste Heat RecoveryACM0012 – Waste energy recoveryDeprioritisedNot started
Waste Heat RecoveryAMS-III.Q. – Waste energy recoveryDeprioritisedNot started
Waste Heat RecoveryAM0066 – GHG emission reductions through waste heat utilisation for pre-heating of raw materials in sponge iron manufacturing processDeprioritisedNot started
Water PurificationGS emission reductions from safe drinking water supplyMulti-stakeholder assessment - MSWG 5MSWG concluded

Carbon-crediting programs that apply to the ICVCM may choose to exclude from assessment one or more of its own methodologies or versions thereof. These excluded methodologies or versions thereof are listed in the carbon-crediting program application. Carbon crediting programs may also withdraw methodologies or versions thereof during the ICVCM assessment process. These withdrawn methodologies or versions thereof will be listed here, and no Decision will be taken in relation to such methodologies or versions thereof.

Methodologies withdrawn during the Assessment Process Note: methodologies may be withdrawn by programs during the process so this may be updated in due course.

If a CCP-Eligible program wishes to seek the approval of a new methodology or methodology version (or any previously withdrawn methodology or versions) it may request assessment of it by contacting ICVCM.

Some methodologies are not represented in the above allocations because:

  • They have a very small market share and are still pending categorization by ICVCM.
  • They are older methodologies and represent a small number of carbon credits in the
  • They represent carbon credits issued by projects using more than one methodology.
  • They are inactive.

General note: Newer methodologies under which issuance of carbon credits has not yet occurred, or the volume of issued carbon credits is still very small, on a market share basis, will be assessed, subject to the relevant carbon crediting program having applied to the ICVCM.