Apply to join our Expert Panel
Integrity Council seeks recognised methodological and rights/safeguards experts and young methodology rights/safeguards professionals to join its expert panel.
The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market is a non-profit, independent governance body that aims to create a high-integrity voluntary carbon market that delivers real impact at speed and scale to accelerate progress on combatting climate change.
The independent Expert Panel are a remunerated group of the Integrity Council. Members provide valuable technical expertise to the Integrity Council in relation to the Core Carbon Principles (CCPs) and implementation and revision of the Assessment Framework, as well as contributing to the work of the Integrity Council Continuous Improvement Work Programs (CIWPs). Expert Panel members are independent and come from a wide range of technical backgrounds and regions, all having direct and proven experience in carbon market accounting and methodologies or measurement of sustainable development aspects of carbon projects and/or social and environmental safeguards, including human rights and Indigenous Peoples and/or local communities’ rights.
The term of the current Expert Panel expires at the end of 2024.
The new Expert Panel term of up to three years, will begin in 2025.

The term of the current Expert Panel is now expiring.
We are looking for recognized experts with real world implementation experience in:
- Carbon accounting and carbon project/jurisdictional/methodological development, from across the breadth of methodological approaches and/or
- Measurement methods and tools to manage sustainable development aspects of carbon projects and/or
- Implementation of and evaluation of social and environmental safeguards systems including benefit sharing arrangements at programmatic and project level.
We are looking for experts who fall into one of the two groups below:
- Senior professionals: We are seeking experienced professionals with recognized expertise who have more than 10 years’ experience in any of the three areas above. We are particularly looking for individuals who have experience of both design/review and/or implementation of carbon crediting program rules and procedures, projects/methodologies, standards or tools, who are able to contribute programmatic, methodological as well as practical experience to the work of the Integrity Council.
- Young professionals: At the Integrity Council, we aim to actively develop, nurture and expand the next generation of carbon methodological experts and so we also seek applications from young professionals, particularly in countries and communities where carbon projects are being developed and implemented, who are seeking to build their existing technical understanding of methodological work and/or carbon markets related sustainable development, social and environmental safeguards expertise through participation in the Integrity Council Expert Panel and contribute to a high integrity and thriving carbon market that can deliver climate impact and finance at scale.
The independence of Integrity Council Experts is important and so we particularly encourage applications from individuals who are not working for (employed by, or providing services to) project developers, and credit rating companies.
What will be required?
- Appointment to the Expert Panel is for a term of up to three years.
- Applicants should be able to commit to a minimum of 4 days’ work per calendar month and
should have sufficient time availability to take on assigned tasks and deliver high quality, professional outputs to Integrity Council standards and be able to meet strict deadlines.
- Written products and meetings are generally in English and so an ability to write well in English is an asset/helpful.
- Experts are required to undertake at least the minimum required commitment relating to assessment/assurance work.
- Experts are expected to attend and contribute to relevant meetings.
- Experts are expected to work in accordance with Integrity Council policies, including codes of conducts and rules relating to respectful and professional behaviour.
Appointments will be under revised Terms and Procedures, which are currently under development.
The Integrity Council Expert Panel members are compensated at a rate based on hours worked and seniority, using guideline time expectations and time recording.
Where the employer of an applicant would be willing to provide the expertise on an in-kind support basis, the Integrity Council will consider such offer in accordance with its policies, particularly ensuring avoidance of conflict of interest. Certain entities, such as carbon crediting programs and project developer entities, would not be expected to be able to meet requirements relating to avoiding conflicts of interest.
How to apply?
Please note that the application period for the Expert Panel has now closed. Submissions received are currently under review.
We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment that promotes and values diversity. We harness a collaborative and respectful working environment and will be recruiting individuals to the Expert Panel who thrive within this working culture.
Risk of conflict of interest will be an important factor in the selection process.

Expert Panel Co-Chairs
Expert panel co-chairs undertake the same responsibilities as the experts but have additional responsibilities in leading the expert panel, managing the work programme of the expert panel, and chairing meetings. They provide a critical link between the Expert Panel and the Standards Oversight Committee, coordinating inputs and expert opinions.
Applicants must have strong relationship skills and the ability to guide a discussion towards consensus. Applicants should:
- Be comfortable in a fast-paced, entrepreneurial environment that requires flexibility and thrives on collaboration.
- Have the ability to handle multiple processes at once in a fast-paced and upbeat environment.
- Be motivated to help turn team members’ ideas into a tangible outcome.
- Be able to dedicate a minimum of 8 days per month to the role – potentially more, subject to negotiation.
Note: the role of an expert panel co-chair is remunerated.