
Jürg Füssler is the current Managing Partner at INFRAS and the head of the subject fields environment and climate. He primarily focuses on climate protection, emissions trading, market instruments and adaptation to the climate change.

After his studies at the ETH Zurich (CH), he did his Doctoral thesis on climate change at the Paul Scherrer Institut and was a fellow at the Collegium Helveticum. After his PhD, he headed national and international projects in the areas energy, climate and environment. Furthermore, he worked as Senior Carbon Originator at the Swiss Re’s Emission Desk in London (UK). He has extensive consultancy experience, advising industrial companies, energy producers, governments and financial institutions in Europe, Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia, India and China.

From 2006 to 2012 he was a member of the CDM Executive Board’s Methodological Panel of the UN Framework Convention UNFCCC.