
我们根据核心碳原则评估框架对碳信用计划和信用类别进行评估。 我们的评估框架是界定高高诚信度碳信用的规则手册。

为确保自愿碳市场加速公正转型,实现1.5°C升温目标,评估框架列出了详细标准以评估碳信用计划和碳信用类别是否符合核心碳原则 (CCP) 。 它设定了一个稳健、可实现的门槛,旨在提高自愿碳市场标准,维持稳定的质量水平。

CCP 标签通过帮助买家轻松识别高诚信度碳信用并为其定价,无论碳信用由哪个碳信用计划发放、属于哪种信用或在哪里产生,从而建立对自愿碳市场的信任并释放投资。


“Our Assessment Framework will ensure consistency and drive up ambition across the market, ensuring that credits help us deliver our global climate goals.”

Farrukh Khan

Farrukh Khan

Member, Integrity Council’s Governing Board, and former senior member of the UN Secretary General’s Climate Team

“Our CCPs and assessment criteria set a global threshold for quality which aims to unlock finance at speed and scale for projects to reduce and remove billions of tonnes of emissions that would not otherwise be viable.”

Annette L. Nazareth

Chair, The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market